.. vim: set expandtab ts=2 sw=2 nowrap ft=rst fenc=utf-8 ff=unix : ToDo ==== - Added NOTICE text. - Shell Script refactoring. - Use spock for unit testing(Java). - Added Jetty async(Java). - Added log4j settings(Java). - Load YAML settings on server(Java). - Added IDE project file output(Java). - Added unit test(Ruby/Perl/Java/JRuby). - Added document(Ruby/Perl/Java/JRuby). - Implement logging with `fluentd `_. - Added interfaces for alive monitoring(Ruby/Perl/Java/JRuby). - Write blog for this project. - Use Rake(Ruby)/`Daiku `_. - Implement with Python, Scala, PHP and Node.js. - Implement select cache with memcached. - Added test client which can measure throughput. - Added more detailed document with Sphinx. - Implement OAuth2 authentication. - Implement daily batch. - Implement A/B test. - Implement ranking logic with Redis if needed. - Implement Thrift interface. - Implement fulltext search with Solr. - Use connection pool on all languages if needed. - Use prepared statement if needed.